The Brown Widow and Its Pest Management

The Brown Widow, Latrodectos geometricus, also known as brown button spider, grey widow spider, brown black widow or black button spider, is the first lady brown spider in the family Latrodentidae.

The Brown Widow and Its Pest Management White and differs mainly

It is a cousin to the many famous Latrodecto mactans, otherwise known as the Black Widow. It is an inhabitant of tropical and subtropical regions around the world. As with any other spider species, however, it has several predators and may be a pest in some tropical areas.

This species of Latrodentidae belongs to the Order Araneae, which is the most numerous family in terms of number of genera. Its scientific name, Latrodenthes geometricus, is from Greek words that mean ‘wrinkled and pointed’. The brown coloration of this spider is caused by pigments on its body called melanins.

This spider has very small eyes and is almost transparent in color, making it difficult to see in the dark. Its legs and abdomen are pale in color, with the thorax having two red spots. The male abdomen of this species is often reddish-brown in color. The spider’s web is usually found in homes, on the outside walls and at other locations where the female can have access to moisture.

The females are small with no noticeable horns on their abdomen and are found from twelve to twenty-five mm in length. When they become sexually mature, these spiders reach one inch in length. The male brown widows are much smaller than the females, reaching only about seven millimeters in length.

The Brown Widow and Its Pest Management their abdomen and

They are commonly found in webs that are suspended in the air, under bark and in crevices. It is the male that is the hunter and the female is the egg-laying host.

The male takes up residence in the female’s abdomen and lays his egg. It becomes engorged with saliva and will take up nearly a quarter of an inch every three hours until it hatches. After hatching, the eggs hatch into spiders. Within two weeks, they begin to burrow into wood and produce a silk mat. to protect themselves during hibernation.

There are about forty species of the Brown Widow and they occur in many parts of the world. Most of them are nocturnal in their habits. Although the Brown Widow can be active at night, they are not considered “true” spiders as they are considered to have legs above the ground, rather than on the underside of the abdomen. In most cases, the female may feed during daylight hours.

Female brown widows are larger than the males and have a bigger abdomen and longer legs. The head of a male is about eight to ten millimeters long with a triangular shape.

The Brown Widow is the smallest member of the common Brown Widow genus, but it has an unusual body structure that bears a striking resemblance to that of the crab.

The Brown Widow and Its Pest Management identify the spiders

It has a segmented abdomen, with three rows of long spines protruding from the body.

The Black Brown Widow is smaller than the White and differs mainly in color. It is brown in color, is oval in shape, with a brown tip on its abdomen. It has a larger abdomen than the White and possesses long narrow legs.

The common name for the Brown Widow is “widow killer” because its bite can leave redness and bleeding, especially around the bite area. The venom is not poisonous to humans, but can cause immediate paralysis and possible death if taken orally. It also causes severe itching and swelling in the area of the bite.

The Brown Widow’s bite can be treated quite effectively by antivenom in cases of accidental injury. or bite caused by the other members of the family. It is not dangerous to the other members of the family but can cause serious discomfort to the victims of its bite. If the bite is severe, it may even lead to death.

It is important for people to be aware of the facts about this spider and how to deal with them. It can easily be prevented and the first step should be to identify the spiders in your area. By understanding how to identify the various species, one is well on the way to being an effective pest control professional.