Learn More About the Facts About Bipolar Disorder


The causes of bipolar disorder are not known but many doctors believe that it is the result of brain chemistry imbalances. Bipolar disorder is commonly thought to be caused by chemical imbalances within the brain, which are usually related to the neurotransmitter chemical serotonin. There is some preliminary evidence that when there is an imbalance of any one or more neurotransmitters in the body, a sufferer can develop some of the symptoms of bipolar disorder, though there has been no substantial research into the cause of this condition.


Some people who have bipolar disorder experience severe depression and mania alternating each other. A person with the disorder might feel extremely good and high for a short period of time and then be down and low again. They might also suffer from racing thoughts and an inability to concentrate. These symptoms can be difficult to treat since these can happen at almost any time.


People who have bipolar disorder often find it hard to sleep. When they do fall asleep, they find that they have trouble falling back to sleep again. This makes it difficult for them to get a normal night's rest.


Many people who have bipolar disorder experience episodes of suicidal thoughts and behavior. Although it is not common, those who have this condition have experienced sudden intense episodes of violent behaviour. It can be extremely frightening for those who are diagnosed with bipolar disorder because of their fear of what might happen to them.


Bipolar patients often suffer from rapid mood swings. Some people will be depressed one minute, have the same amount of energy the next and then start acting crazy the next. This is sometimes referred to as cyclothymia or "rapid cycling". If you think that you have this condition, it is important that you talk to your doctor about getting professional help so that you can control the situation.


Another possible cause of the symptoms of bipolar disorder is substance abuse or addiction. Sometimes people with bipolar disorders turn to drugs or alcohol as a form of self-medication, especially if they have been diagnosed with other mental illnesses such as depression.



Bipolar disorder can be diagnosed in people at any age, although most cases are diagnosed in people who are in their early twenties or thirties. It is believed that the reason for this is that bipolar patients with the disorder might already be vulnerable to having manic episodes at a young age. If you think that you might have bipolar disease, please see your doctor as soon as possible to ensure that your life can be stabilized.


It is estimated that the disorder affects millions of people in America alone. In order for you and your loved ones to lead a happier, healthier life, you should work to identify the causes of your bipolar disorder and seek treatment.


Bipolar disorder has several types, and there is no single type that is responsible for everyone who suffers from it. A growing number of children and adults are being diagnosed with bipolar disorder, but doctors don't know why. There are several risk factors that doctors believe play a role in the development of this disorder in children and adolescents. These include: family history of bipolar disorder, history of bipolar disorder in one of the parents, genetic predisposition, birth during the winter months of spring and autumn.


There are various treatments available for people with bipolar disorder. Medications are usually given for a short period of time to help people cope with the symptoms of the disorder, but there are also some behavioral or psychotherapies that can be used in combination to reduce the frequency of manic episodes and keep the condition under control.


People suffering from bipolar disorder can also use natural remedies to treat the condition. Using herbs, vitamins, and minerals can help treat bipolar disorder, as well as improve mood and reduce the severity of manic episodes. The site somosmass99.com.mx describes that these therapies help control manic depression and manic episodes.


Living with bipolar disorder can be difficult, but if you've been diagnosed with this, you have options. You no longer have to live with the fear of being manic or depressive. There are cures for the disorder, and help is on the way.