Treating a Torn Menisci

A torn Meniscus is simply a tear in the protective cartilage of your knee


The Meniscus acts to support the joint, absorb shock, distribute weight evenly between the thigh and tibia, and also to facilitate movement of lubricating fluid from the body.


The knee is actually made up of three bones – the femur, the tibial tubercle, and the patellar tendon. These joints are located just above the joint that forms the end of your femur. The patellar tendon and tibial tubercle make up most of the patellar tendon groove, which is the small groove that connects your kneecap to the front of your knee.


The meniscus is usually the strongest knee ligament and is extremely flexible. This means that it can adapt well to the changes in your body as you age. It is very similar to a rubber band in that it can stretch and then return to its original shape after being stretched. The Meniscis has a lot of wear and tear because of daily activities.


Menisci tend to get torn if you have a hard landing or shock when you jump. Other causes include excessive weight bearing exercises, repetitive overuse, and an injury to the Menisci ligament.


In order to prevent a Menisci tear there are some things you can do. First, you should rest after the game if you are a basketball or baseball player. You should also avoid jumping for too long. This is one of the biggest culprits of tears in this area. If you are doing too much of these activities, you could risk damaging the Menisci ligament.


Next, take the time to develop good form at the beginning of any activity. Start slowly and keep to a consistent tempo. When the motion becomes easier you will be able to increase the speed and strength of your motion.


Finally, take some exercises for relieving pain in this area


Yoga is excellent for both relieving pain and strengthening this area, while Pilates can do the same thing with more ease.


If you are looking for some relief from the pain that you have been feeling, you may want to consult with a physician who specializes in knee injuries. They will be able to provide you with some good information about how you can prevent Menisci tears. If you have already torn a Menisci, you can use the above information to strengthen the area and prevent further damage.


The symptoms that you may experience are usually the same when Menisci tears as the symptoms of a tear are the same if you have a tendon rupture. Pain in the knee, swelling, and tightness are common symptoms. If your pain worsens, you may have to seek medical attention.


Treatment for a torn meniscus is usually very similar to treating a torn ankle ligament. The first step in the healing process is rest. After that, you should try to determine what caused the meniscus tear and treat that area with an anti-inflammatory medication to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.


Knee pain can be very debilitating and is often associated with tears in the meniscus. A physical therapist can help you exercise to increase strength and endurance in your knee. This helps reduce stress on the menisci and speeds up recovery.


Exercise therapy can also be used to rehabilitate an injured knee. These exercises are great for strengthening your knees. Some of these include strengthening the muscles that support the knee by performing various hip circles and walking exercises that strengthen the quadriceps.


If you've recently torn your menisci, you can heal faster. With a physical therapist and helpful treatment information available on Handaldok to help you with your rehabilitation, you will be better prepared when you start a physiotherapy and rehabilitation program. He will guide you through the rehabilitation process and teach you how to do the exercises correctly.