How to Test For Diabetes

Blood glucose tests are common among people who’ve developed diabetes.

How to Test For Diabetes Your doctor may even prescribe

These individuals can benefit greatly from a simple fasting blood sugar test, which can help them identify the level of sugar in their bloodstream. This blood test can be used by individuals with or without diabetes and is often used by dieticians as a way to determine when they’re experiencing low blood sugar levels.

When you have this test done, it can be used to check the level of sugar in your blood, and it can be used in conjunction with a battery of other tests that may be conducted. The fasting test is often used to determine if the person you’re testing has hypoglycemia, a condition where the body’s sugar levels drop below normal. Another condition that can be tested with this test, called phenylketonuria, can be corrected with a glucose level test.

When you have a fasting blood sugar level, you will have a test strip in your hand and a small syringe in front of you. During this process, the doctor will draw blood from you to measure the level of sugar in your blood.

How to Test For Diabetes be necessary to

This is usually done on an outpatient basis, so the doctor may recommend a hospital stay should you require it. You can expect to have a glucose reading taken every three hours, or as needed.

If you’ve been diagnosed with diabetes, you may receive a glucose level reading on your first visit, but a repeat test may be necessary to ensure that your glucose level is within the normal range. Your doctor may even prescribe a diabetic meter, which works to keep track of your levels. If the levels are out of balance, you’ll be provided with a special test to correct this situation.

If you’ve had surgery to remove part of your pancreas or you’ve had a hip or knee replacement, your doctor may recommend that you test your blood sugar levels prior to these procedures. Your levels can indicate that you may have a problem with your ability to produce insulin, which can lead to a serious situation, or your pancreas could be damaged.